Follow the Son

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Hi Kids! I soooo hope & pray that you are having an amazing summer! You don’t have to go to any super special place…you just have to enjoy the sunshine and warmth right in your own back yard! Simply say, “Hey, thank You, Lord for making this amazing day and this amazing season!” Those of you living in climates where it’s ALWAYS warm and sunny may be chuckling right now! That’s okay! We “bloom” wherever God “plants” us!

In many states and provinces right now sunflowers are showing off! Oh, the things you and I can learn from sunflowers! AND IF YOU HAVE STARTED SCHOOL OR ARE ABOUT TO, THEN LET’S LEARN TOGETHER:

#1 the leaves can be used as hay
#2 the flowers produce a yellow dye
#3 The seeds or petals provide food for birds, insects, people, AND DONKEYS LIKE ME!
#4 Oil from the plant can be used to make soap and oil paint color
#5 All sunflowers face east when the sun comes up, but it’s the YOUNG ONES that continue to follow the sun throughout the day!

Read that again! “The young ones follow the sun throughout the day!” Kids! You’re like the YOUNG ONES! Jesus is the SON of God!

KEEP FOLLOWING THE SON ALL DAY LONG! Of course big people must follow the Son all day long too, but this is written just for you today! Whether you’re super excited, a little nervous, wondering about it all, THEN FOLLOW THE SON, TALK TO THE SON! JESUS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND! He REALLY understands! He was a “kid” once too!!

I sure do love you! Jesus loves you more than ALL the fields of sunflowers in the whole world!

Jesus said, “I am the world’s Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in.” (John 8:12 MSG)